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The Bell Choir Reactivated

We play for church holidays as well as at various places in the community. In 2006, we began a

“Bonanza Bells” tradition. It is during the service on the first Sunday in May. It was created in response to the membership wanting to hear more bell music. The bell choir plays all music except hymns during this service.

The bell choir is an integral part of the life of the church as well as a part of the community.

The HANDBELL CHOIR has been in existence since September 1997. Lorraine Looney, a church member, had a dream to have a Handbell Choir at Center Brunswick so she worked very hard to raise the funds to buy our first 2-0ctave set of bells. It began under the direction of Kathleen Looney (Lorraine’s daughter). We have since been able to purchase a third octave.


In 2002, Kathy Hoffman became director and is currently in that position.

There are currently 13 ringers plus the director. The choir was able to purchase a 3-octave set of chimes recently which adds to our interest. Our rehearsals are on Monday nights at 7:00 in the church sanctuary.

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